Less common estate planning documents

Explore less common estate planning documents for a comprehensive legacy. Work with LifeCloud for secure and convenient management of your important papers.

Estate planning documents are legal instruments that individuals use to dictate how their assets should be managed and distributed upon their death or incapacitation. These documents include wills, trusts, advance directives, powers of attorney, and other critical papers that ensure one's wishes are upheld and loved ones are provided for. 


Estate planning can involve a variety of documents beyond a simple will or trust, and some of these documents may be obscure or overlooked by people. Here are some examples of important estate planning documents that people may not think of:


Advance Directive:

An advance directive is a legal document that outlines your healthcare wishes in the event that you become unable to make decisions for yourself. It can include instructions on life-sustaining treatments, pain management, and other medical interventions.


Durable Power of Attorney:

A durable power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone to act on your behalf in financial matters, such as paying bills or managing investments, if you become incapacitated.


HIPAA Authorization:

This document allows healthcare providers to share your medical information with designated individuals, such as family members or friends.


Letter of Instruction:

This is a non-legal document that provides information and instructions about your personal and financial affairs, such as the location of important documents or the names of your advisors.


Digital Asset Authorization:

As more people conduct their affairs online, it's important to have a plan for your digital assets, such as email accounts, social media profiles, and cryptocurrency. A digital asset authorization allows someone to manage or access these accounts on your behalf.



It's important to work with a qualified estate planning attorney to ensure that you have all the necessary documents in place to protect your wishes and provide for your loved ones.

When it comes to your legacy, it's important to ensure that your wishes are carried out as you planned. That's where LifeCloud comes in. Our platform provides a secure and convenient way to manage all your important documents, including financial and legal information, and easily share them with your trusted circle, such as loved ones, attorneys, and more.

With LifeCloud, you can easily capture and store all your documents in a secure, online format, eliminating the need for physical paperwork that can be lost, stolen, or damaged. This makes it simple for your trusted circle to access and utilize the information as needed to ensure your wishes are carried out as intended.