The Basics of LifeCloud Essentials

LifeCloud Essentials is a cutting-edge estate organization platform designed to revolutionize the way families plan and transfer their legacy.


Our goal is to provide families with a highly secure and capable solution that brings clarity to their estate details, enabling a stress-free and seamless transition of their legacy to loved ones at the appropriate time. With a focus on innovation and user experience, all of us at LifeCloud hope it helps bring your family peace of mind. 



LifeCloud Essentials



  • Comprehensive estate planning tools to organize and manage all estate details in one place
  • Easy-to-use dashboard to track progress and make updates as needed
  • High-level security measures to protect sensitive information
  • Ability to store important documents such as wills, trusts, and power of attorney
  • LifeCloud Circles to share information with trusted family members, friends, or advisors
  • Native app available for download on Google Play and the App Store 


Your Circle

Your circle is a unique feature that allows users to invite trusted family members, friends, advisors, or estate professionals to collaborate on the estate planning process. Users can set different levels of access and permissions for each member of the circle, ensuring that only authorized members can view or edit sensitive information. You can also specify who’s access should increase when the owners are no longer there. Your circle promotes transparency, coordination, and communication among family members, which can help to reduce stress and ensure that everyone is on the same page during the estate planning process.


LifeCloud Secret

The security measure that sets us apart from our competitors is what we call your 'LifeCloud Secret.' While you access your LifeCloud Essentials account with your email and password, it only gets you into the LifeCloud. At this point, your data is still fully encrypted. Your LifeCloud Secret is a phrase that only you know; it resides in your head and is not stored anywhere by LifeCloud. Therefore, it's crucial to choose something memorable to avoid forgetting it. The LifeCloud Secret is used to decrypt your data, granting you access to view and edit your LifeCloud. If you forget your LifeCloud Secret, you would need to be reinvited to your LifeCloud by a member of your Circle. That's why it's important to invite at least one member to your circle as soon as possible, ensuring you have a way back into your LifeCloud.


Death Notification

Your LifeCloud Essentials account is built on a foundation of security and access levels. You invite trusted individuals into your Circle with a current access level, understanding that you may someday share details or documents with them. In many cases, these details will automatically be shared with them after your passing. The LifeCloud Essentials system automatically promotes circle members with the highest access level to ownership, granting them full access to all your documents and details. When a member of your circle submits a death notification for you, you initially have the chance to refute the claim of your passing. If other circle members confirm your passing, those with the highest access level are promoted to owner status.


Life Document Storage

LifeCloud Essentials primary purpose is to secure your digital life documents in a single location so that you can ensure they are ready and available to whom you choose. The platform is built to hold all types of Life Documents such as wills, healthcare proxy, DNR, Power of Attorney, trust documents, insurance policies, bank accounts etc. You can also create documents that hold details specific to assets like physical location or passwords to accounts. We encourage our users to store their most important details in their LifeCloud because we have wrapped it with a level of security that we believe is suited for your most important details.


Are you married? Undoubtedly, you have discussed your hopes and dreams for your family's future. But have you taken the steps to ensure your wishes are taken care of when the time comes? With LifeCloud Essentials, you can store and manage all the important life documents and details of your estate in one secure, easy-to-use platform.
Are you helping your parents get their estate in order? Do they have all their documents in a basement filing cabinet? Do you know their wishes, and are there accessible documents to follow in the event of their passing? LifeCloud can be your family's single source of truth. Digitally secure and share the details needed to ensure your parents' wishes are followed, and their estate is transitioned in an organized fashion. Give yourself and your parents the peace of mind of knowing the documents that outline their wishes are secured and accessible.